26 December 2011

Taylor Swift won 2011 AMA - Artist of the Year

Congrats!!!! to Taylor Swift. cuz you won the artist of the year on AMA's award. Artist of the year nominees were Adele, Lil Wayne, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and herself.

"This is like one of the craziest things that has ever happened to me. To get this to be nominated alongside artists I'm sss-like a super fan of. The-the OhMyGosh thank you to the fans please never change, I can't believe this is happening to me. This is so crazy. OhMyGod thank you so much to the fans... To th-to the fans, and also to the fans. Because you're the reason why this yea-I have no idea what I'm supposed to sa-I did not think this was going to happen. OhMyGod...I just-I just love you guys so much, I love my family, I love you Selena - my like little sister I never had. I love the fans, I love my label, I love the manti-OhMyGod I can't believe this happened. I love my band, the fans. Thanks you for everything. OhMyGod thank you.. OhMy...." she said in condition of surprise.

Wacth the video below:

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